Sunday, November 2, 2014

OpenCPU and rapache Installation

I used a combination of installation instructions from and in order to get OpenCPU installed.  This was a process of trial-and-error.  Eventually there were no critical errors and the commands would work.  Building rApache, I used the instruction from the rapache site.  Building OpenCPU I used the instructions from the github link above.  When I first attempted the build there were a few missing dependencies.  I installed these and then retried the build with success.  Installing OpenCPU I used the following instead of the suggested commands.
sudo dpkg -i opencpu-lib*
sudo dpkg -i opencpu-server*
I also opted to install apparmor using the instructions on the github link

Saturday, November 1, 2014

OpenCPU Installation

The installation of OpenCPU on my Debian system is less than simple.  There is no easy apt-get solution so I am working my way through the instruction on  So far I made it through 'Building OpenCPU packages'.  When I got to the 'debuild' command I got an error 'debuild command not found'.  This was solved by installing the 'devscripts' package (sudo apt-get install devscripts).    


After careful research and consideration I am going to use Drupal as my full stack framework with Bootstrap for the web layer.  I read lots of recommendations for Bootstrap.  The reviews said Drupal was easier to get going than Django.  Eventually I expect I will shift the web app to Python (Django), but I'd rather just get going at this point.  Hence the decision to go with Drupal (PHP) for now.  Looks like Django can also interface with Bootstrap so I'm thinking the shift will not be that bad if/when I get to that point.  On the other side I decided to use opencpu to interface with R.  Again, I'm hoping this will facilitate any eventual shift to Python/Django since opencpu is a framework agnostic API.  I will also install rApache just for good measure, but I don't currently plan to do any R scripting with PHP/Drupal.